

My Christmas Present to You...

Two official, bonafide, unaltered memos that we received here at work in the last two weeks:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:17 AM
To: DL SFG NOC Everyone
Subject: Second Floor Women's Restroom

Due to a strong gas scent, please use the women’s restroom on the first floor. Also, please be advised that someone has been notified of the situation. Thanks in advance for your patience and cooperation.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:10 AM
To: DL SFG NOC Everyone
Subject: Heat

Due to annual PMS, we are experiencing heat in some areas. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks in advance for your patience and cooperation.



48 Hours, Two Plane Rides, One Birthday Party, One Lost Jacket and Not Much Sleep...

Why doesn't my family let me sleep? 3 nights in a row of way too little sleep. The first two were in a hotel with my dad. My dad who likes to sleep with the TV on, that is. The second night involved a party in the room next door. Loud music and louder behavior by the estimated 10 people in that damn room. Despite calling the hotel office (and I'm sure we weren't the only ones), I had to monitor my dad to make sure he didn't run out into the hallway to tell them to shut up. Night three was on a foam mattress at my family's house. That would be the house we prepped, partied in (Grandmother's birthday) and cleaned yesterday. The party went well, with my mom and sister ordering about five times the necessary amount of food for some reason. I guess the highlight was my mother and I abandoning my father and sister to run some errands. We were late getting back and, of course, my sister had to act like we had disappeared for three days, not three hours. Boo F***** Hoo, got get a prescription for some Prosac or something. The mall was very busy on this particular weekend so it took a little longer than expected, go figure! The other highlight was that my always dependable father went back to the hotel and found the leather jacket I had left there. This is one that I bought in Florence, on our honeymoon! You would not have envied me if my lot had been to tell Laura I had lost that.



Big Ol' Jet Airliner...

Jumping over to Miami for a hastily drawn up holiday visit. My grandmother moved here from Colombia and is now at the house. Her 90th birthday is this weekend so away I go. It will be nice to see here. The last time was at the wedding.
Lauki will be splitting up forces because we've spent too much money this year to double the airfare for a two day visit. That's something we avoid at all costs but sometimes you just have to swallow the pill. Anyway, at least I'll have 48 hours access to real, Cuban Cafe con Leche.
This new diversion means that Lauki will go to San Antonio on Christmas weekend. Thank God we'll have New Year's for ourselves (and for getting drunk... we deserve it after this December).



Random Shots...
#1) The Indian restaurant (Our Place... bad name) at the top of the MacArthur/635 hill is really good. I mean really, really good. Granted, if you don't like spicy, it is not for you. My plate was described on the menu as 'mild' and my nose was running by the end.
#2) Stephen King is looking more and more like mole-man with every passing year. I saw him on TV talking about the Red Sox book he wrote. He chronicles their year and it just happens to be the first time in like a century the ultimate cursed sports franchise wins the World Series! Ugh, must finish Dark Tower.
#3) We went to a wedding at a Grapevine winery in the old part of town. Very cool place. They make one red wine that is almost as sweet as mead. Very odd but good combination.
#4) It occurs to me that if you want to dress up and dance without spending any money, all you have to do is go to big hotels during December and join company Christmas parties. Laura and I ate at two on Saturday before we realized mine was in yet another ballroom.
#5) The incomptence of our war planning is pretty clear when disabled veterans with gray hair, who cannot even run, are being called up to active duty.
#6) Bob Dylan did his first TV interview in almost twenty years on Sunday! Fascinating bits (for me, forget you)...
On lying to the press: "The only two people you should think twice about lying to are God and yourself"
On being perceived as crazy/washed up: "Anything was better than being the Archbishop of Anarchy"
On why he still tours: "I have to keep up my end of the deal I made with Destiny"
On what deal that was: "To get where I am"
On who exactly he made that deal with (Up or down implied by the interviewer): "(Laughs) With the chief... commander, of this world and the one you can't see."


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