

Doing Good in Corporate America

Is it possible? Maybe at least once in a while....
One of my two new teams (I inherited them because their manager waltzed off to a new job with the separation package (SP)... bastard!) has a part-time employee, full-time student. As such she is not eligible for the SP, a situation she dearly wanted to change. Now, I think I can say that most managers, just put over a person like this would not go out on a limb to try and get her the SP. I know my boss didn't want to touch it with 10' pole.
To qualify, she has to double her hours. To make that happen, a request had to be made all the way up to our new CEO/conquering overlord... a man who is essentially here to get rid of 90% of us without so much as a twinge of guilt. Not exactly a likely source of sympathy.
Nevertheless, efforts were made and (surprisingly!) approved.
Nothing but mountains of red tape to fight now but we do have the magic 'yes' and our helpless little employee will have months and months of pay to further fund her studies.



Lent withdrawl/Weekend news 

-Weekend: After a fun Saturday playing in the park with Laura and going to the party (lotsa fun), things took a bad turn as we got into a fender bender Sunday. Laura's Impala is now in need of repair and hassles shall ensue. Especially since the offending driver had no ID on him.
-Lent: As most of you know, I'm a bonafide Bob Dylan fan(atic). As such, I made the painful sacrifice of not listening to his CD's during Lent. Sound wimpy? It isn't. I listen to him every day. Food for the soul indeed.
So, here I am, not exactly remembering a year where I waited more eagerly for Easter to come 'round... listening to cover songs (One album by many a Brit, one by World Music artists) to pass the time.
-Anyway, on the related news front (for all you Literary types):
It seems the lead horse to become the next Professor of Poetry at Oxford University is none other than Christopher Ricks. Aside from his impeccable credentials, Ricks just happens to think Dylan is the greatest living user of the English language. Now, clearly this would be a great thing for our civilization... second only (perhaps) to the rise of democracy. So, any readers who happen to be vote eligible are heartily encouraged to make the trip (votes must be in person) and support our man Ricks. I may never get my way on who will be President (always none of the above), so this will do quite well instead.



Well, there you go. One more pointless voice has been added to the wasteland known as the net. Weeee!

Laura and I seem to be as out of the loop as just about anyone so for as long as this stays up (don't hold your breath) maybe it can at least serve as an update filling station of sorts. There should plenty of 'Still looking for a job' missives that will become increasingly despondent in tone. Anyway, this will fill in some work time when the layoff-a-thon gets into high gear and I'm bored out of my mind.
Other than that, thanks for nothing to all the slackers out there who encouraged me to do this. Couldn't leave the rss's minus one. "One for all and I wish I could take a nap" that's our motto.


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